Thursday, May 23, 2019

Emotions are prohibited. (spoilers)

This is it. My Nier post. It's not much, but it's honest work.

I used to make posts like this often when I was a NEET, but I haven't been a NEET in a very long time, and I haven't made a post like this in a very long time. I wasn't sure what I wanted this post to be, but I figured it would be pretty empty regardless of what I chose to do, even before I started playing the game. I'd say I was right.

This post is some commentary, some screenshots, and a basic review.

That's about it.

Commentary, from A to E.
>game intro
It's like I'm really playing 2hus
except I remember no one's name
and I'm actually playing the game

I had to redo this intro a couple times
With the final time being on easy
because I suck at vidya
I feel horrible just admitting that.
>game literally plays itself for you
what the hell is this
oh it's an easymodo feature.

>large enemy group detected
>Yes, I'm aware of that
nothin' personnel

>The slayer has entered the facility
oh wait wrong game

>Was told there would be butts
>9S is still wearing shorts after self destructing
This doesn't seem right.

>Say, 2b...
>When do you think you'll be willing to call me "Nines"?
>Well yeah.. but..
There's something endearing about nice nicknames.
Being called "C" makes me happy for some reason.

>Wait, no! That's not what you said! You said "Nines"! or at least something close to-
>Cut the chatter and engage the enemy
I missed screenshotting it in both route A and B.
I wasn't expecting to feel much, if anything.
but it did make me feel something both times.

>When that day comes I'm all for it
>That's a promise, right?
tfw no qt3.14 android gf to go shopping with

>9S in charge of not dying
A long time ago I probably would have said something like "this is my fetish".
This is not my fetish.

>Type E? I didn't know there was such a thing. Did you, 2B?
>Some things are better left unknown
After everything that happened.
There's no way she doesn't know.

Yeah, people tend to learn.
I feel like I've been here before.
Kill her?
Fuck her?
Love her?
I don't know.
All of the above, maybe.

Kind of horrible, isn't it?
Someone you thought you knew isn't who you thought they were.
But it doesn't negate anything you feel for them.
Or maybe you already knew they were that person, and it didn't matter.
You loved them anyway.

>Mankind no longer exists
I briefly had some elaborate theory about how the aliens were people.
But I didn't write it down, and it seems I was wrong.

>Oh... Nines...
She said his nickname again.
I wasn't expecting her to die here.
I don't need to feel this.
It doesn't help anything.

Why continue on if you've lost what made you happy?
Maybe you'll find happiness again one day.
Or maybe you'll be miserable til the day you die.
As long as it's not boring.
Being dead sounds boring.

Shoulda never come here

Achievement Unlocked

tell me about nines
why does he wear the mask?
A lotta loyalty for a hired scanner.

"Oh, don't worry. We 9S models are the best around, you know."
Is there anything this android can't do?

By "fighting" I mean usually he seems to be the reason bosses are defeated, and he must be able to fight if he made it past all of those corrupt yorha.

Then why did she keep doing it?
This makes me angry.
So very angry.


I can understand that.
Maybe it wasn't only because he wasn't alone.

>being alive is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment
Especially when you have a blog, and you hate yourself and everything you post.

>Ending E
I wonder if they went shopping.

I never asked for this.
But I did track it down after being told about it. I knew what it was.
This is the review part. I guess.

I played through this game with the english dub. I figured I would since I played through Drakengard 3 with the english dub. I'm generally not a fan of english dubs, but I think the actors did a really good job in this, especially 9S.

This game did a really good job of digging up feelings I've had / have. It's kind of an interesting coincidence, but I suppose if it's going to dig these things up, it's better now, rather than later. I usually don't feel much in response to certain things, but almost all of the 2B/9S moments made me feel at least something.

What is this? Some kinda cultist orgy?

I suppose this doesn't really apply.


Route A
2B route. I thought 2B would be the protagonist the entire way through the game, but she wasn't. Not a whole lot happened in route A. Not a lot was understood. It seemed to set up everything relating to the plot, and gameplay more than anything.

Route B
9S route. As soon as this route started I had a feeling A2 would be the protagonist for route C. There are minor differences between this route and route A. This route is where I did most of the side quests since I missed so many in route A.

Route C
Finally get to play as A2. She's kinda like Zero. Intoner mode and all. Also still playing as 9S. This is the route where everything stopped feeling  quiet and monotonous, and became engaging.

Route D
I got this ending before C ending. I empathized with 9S. Sad ending.

Route E
That bullet hell credits scene was tough. I killed about a million players save files trying to complete it. I felt like it would be a waste if I didn't choose to continue on, since sacrificing my own save data wouldn't have made up for what I destroyed.

I didn't finish Emil's quest. Not sure if I should.


I thought she would be the protagonist, but she almost feels more like a side character than anything. I didn't think she would be so absent past route B. I like her. She's an interesting character. A sad character. That damn Weight Of The World song says a lot.

9S is my favorite. I guess largely because I empathize with him. Maybe it's partly because he loses his mind after 2B dies. 9S is so strong, but he was so weak when he broke down.

I wanted to break down, too.

There's more to be said about 9S than that, but I'll leave it at that.

Seems a bit like a Zero clone. I like her, but I don't have much to say.

Art / Music:

Action combat. I didn't like it all that much at first, but as the game went on longer, and longer, the combat started seeming more fun to me. Good gameplay.

Overall, I'd rate NieR Automata: 12/10. Absolute masterpiece. Bravo, Yoko Taro.

Not really an in depth review, but I'm not much of an in depth person.

Next up will be rewrite.
No probably not for a while.
Next post will be the life update post. Boo!



  2. I really liked the landscapes and scenery in this game.I listen to the amusement park theme on loop sometimes to relax.I felt like the final routes dragged on too long and I just wanted to finish the game at that point. Still probably the best game to come out recently

    I enjoyed Rewrite. I hope you do too.
